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Breast Revision

While the goal of every breast augmentation procedure is to provide the patient with her ideal breasts, unpredictable factors can produce a displeasing breast aesthetic or lead to uncomfortable side effects. Women who experience unsatisfactory results or complications following a previous breast augmentation may require breast revision surgery. Dr. Gabriel Chiu performs breast revision at one of his opulent Beverly Hills surgery centers to correct several common issues that may develop after breast augmentation and restore his patients’ confidence in their bustline. By customizing every breast revision procedure, Dr. Chiu meticulously addresses his patients’ unique cosmetic and anatomical needs, delivering superior results.

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Considering Breast Revision?

  • Enhance Your Breast Appearance

    Because the breasts continue to age and are subject to changes after breast augmentation, they can seem disproportionate or asymmetrical over time. Patients may consider breast revision surgery to improve the aesthetic qualities of their breasts, including their size and shape. Implant placement and type can also be changed to enhance the appearance of the breasts.

  • Correct Postoperative Complications

    Many postoperative complications occur as a result of uncontrollable factors, such as poor healing and breast tissue weakness. Some issues cause unattractive breast deformities, altering the appearance of the breasts. Other more severe problems require immediate medical attention to avoid unhealthy side effects. Breast revision surgery can restore the breasts to a more appealing condition and minimize potential health risks.

  • Improve Your Confidence

    Cosmetic surgery is intended to boost a person’s self-esteem and improve their quality of life. When the outcome of any cosmetic procedure does not go as planned, a patient may feel disheartened or self-conscious. Breast revision surgery addresses unsatisfactory features that develop following breast augmentation, revitalizing a woman’s confidence and making her proud of her beautiful new breasts.

Your Breast Revision Can Correct

During your breast revision consultation, Dr. Chiu will assess your breast anatomy and body type utilizing VECTRA® 3D imaging. VECTRA® 3D is a state-of-the-art imaging and assessment technology that allows you to see a digital rendering of your breast revision results with different approaches. All aspects of your breast and body frame will be taken into consideration when determining the ideal surgical plan to achieve your aesthetic goals.

Implant Rupture

An implant rupture occurs when the integrity of the implant shell is compromised, causing the filler within to leak. A saline implant rupture is immediately noticeable and characterized by a deflated breast. Silicone implants leak more slowly, so ruptures are best identified with an MRI.

The solution to implant rupture is a replacement, which involves using the previous breast augmentation incision to access the damaged implant. The pocket is cleaned, and a new implant is inserted. Patients may have both implants replaced if they desire a different implant type or size.

Capsular Contracture

After breast augmentation, a thin capsule of scar tissue forms around the breast implants during the healing process. If the capsule contracts the implant, the breast can become hard or misshapen. In severe cases, this capsular contracture can be painful.

A capsulectomy corrects capsular contracture by removing the implant from the breast pocket and excising the scar tissue. A capsulotomy involves releasing pressure by creating an incision in the capsule.


Women who think their breasts are too small or too large following breast augmentation may be dissatisfied with their results. Patients can correct overly large or disproportionately small breast implants that do not complement their figure by exchanging them with breast revision.

Choosing implants that are best-suited for a patient’s frame and cosmetic objectives is crucial. Once the original implants are removed, and the breast pockets are adjusted, the new implants are inserted. Some patients who opt for smaller implants may require a breast lift in conjunction with their revision procedure for optimal results.

Enlarged Areolas

Patients may feel insecure about their naturally large areolas or areolas that have stretched since their breast augmentation procedure. Restoring the areolas to a more natural and visually pleasing size can revitalize the breast aesthetic.

The areolas can be resized by creating an incision around their outer edges, through which excess tissue is trimmed. The remaining skin is reattached to the nipple-areolar complex and positioned over the center of the breast implants to produce the most attractive appearance.

Poor Implant Placement

During breast augmentation, implants are placed either underneath the glandular tissue (subglandular) or beneath both the glandular tissue and pectoral muscles (submuscular). When patients have inadequate natural breast tissue, subglandular placement can result in visible implant edges.

Choosing to have submuscular implant placement can create a more natural breast slope and improve the appearance of the breasts. During breast revision, the implants are removed, and new breast pockets are formed under the pectoral muscles. Sutures are placed to support the integrity of the new pockets, and new implants are inserted.

Implant Movement

Implant migration or breast tissue weakness, in addition to poor pocket placement during breast augmentation, can affect how the breasts look. The best approach is a procedure called capsulorrhaphy.

A capsulorrhaphy corrects implant movement by tightening the scar tissue capsule to create a more secure breast pocket. The new and stronger pocket prevents both lateral and medial implant movement in addition to improving the appearance of the breasts.

Before & After Photos

Breast Revision Before After
Breast Revision Before After
  • Breast Revision Before After
  • Breast Revision Before After
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Breast Revision Recovery

  • Immediately After

    Recovery after breast revision is similar to the recovery from the original breast augmentation. Dr. Chiu will place a breast band and a compression bra over the breasts to minimize postoperative swelling and bruising. Getting plenty of rest is essential during the initial stages of recovery, and any discomfort can be alleviated with prescription pain medication.

  • 1 Week

    Most breast revision patients can resume their daily activities and return to work within 7 days of their procedure. However, heavy lifting and strenuous exercise must be avoided.

  • 2 to 3 Weeks

    Patients can slowly introduce light physical activity during this time, but they must refrain from engaging in exercises that involve lifting or placing pressure on the chest.

  • 4 to 6 Weeks

    All physical activities, including upper body workouts, can be continued.

Patient Testimonials

At Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Inc., Dr. Chiu can recommend the procedures that will help you achieve the results you want, based on your individual needs.

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Why choose Dr. Chiu?

Dr. Chiu possesses remarkable talent and experience with cosmetic breast surgery and takes a unique approach to breast revision with customized sizing. He applies his extensive mastery of breast aesthetics and the female anatomy to develop an entirely bespoke surgical plan that delivers results of utmost excellence. During his flourishing career, Dr. Chiu has performed countless breast enhancement procedures and has trained other plastic surgeons on the most advanced surgical techniques. He is regarded as one of the best plastic surgeons worldwide by industry experts, colleagues, patients, and international media. We invite you to refer to Dr. Chiu’s patient testimonials for first-hand accounts of his expertise.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I prepare for my breast revision procedure?

Preparation for breast revision surgery is similar to that of breast augmentation. During your consultation appointment, you will be given specific instructions that detail how to prepare for your personalized procedure, including:

  • Quitting all tobacco use for at least six weeks before and after surgery
  • Avoiding anti-inflammatory medications or supplements for six weeks prior to your procedure
  • Completing all lab work and breast exams before your scheduled surgery

What type of anesthesia is used during breast revision?

To ensure patient safety and comfort, Dr. Chiu performs this breast revision surgery using general anesthesia under the supervision of a board-certified anesthesiologist.

Is breast revision surgery painful?

Patients can expect some discomfort following breast revision surgery. However, wearing the designated compression garments and taking prescription pain medication can provide relief from uncomfortable side effects associated with surgery.

Does insurance cover the cost of breast revision?

Breast revision is considered to be an elective procedure, so it is typically not covered by medical insurance. Women who desire breast reconstruction to correct anatomical deformities that result from injury, congenital condition, or mastectomy, may qualify for coverage. Dr. Chiu will determine if your insurance will finance your procedure during your consultation.

How long do the results of breast revision last?

Breast revision results are considered permanent. However, the appearance of the breasts can still change due to aging, pregnancy, and weight fluctuations. Patients can preserve their results by maintaining a stable weight and wearing supportive bras. At Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery, we use MENTOR® implants, which include a Lifetime Product Replacement Policy. If your implants have to be exchanged, you can have them replaced with the same or similar implants at no charge.

Are there any warranties available for my implants?

Yes, at Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery, we only use MENTOR® Breast Implants, all of which are guaranteed to last a lifetime. The MENTORPromise Protection Plan ensures that, should you experience implant failure, MENTOR® will provide up to two same-style replacements of any size. We also use MENTOR® MemoryGel® Breast Implants, which include a 10-year warranty that covers replacement in addition to as much as $3,500 in financial assistance for surgical fees. For an additional $300, patients can purchase the MENTORPromise Enhanced Protection Plan, which provides up to $3,500 in financial assistance for surgical expenses as well as coverage for complications such as capsular contracture (Baker grade III/IV), double capsule, and late seromas.

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