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Rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills, CA

Rhinoplasty, also known as “nose reshaping” or a “nose job,” can improve the appearance and function of the nose. This procedure can correct a range of aesthetic concerns, including a drooping nasal tip, a prominent bridge hump, oversized nostrils, or displeasing results from a previous surgery. Patients who suffer from breathing problems as a result of structural irregularities within the nose can also benefit from nose surgery. Dr. Gabriel Chiu is a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon who performs various rhinoplasty techniques to provide patients with refined facial harmony. By developing a surgical approach that reflects your unique concerns, Dr. Chiu can deliver attractive results tailored to your anatomy.

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Benefits of Rhinoplasty

  • Improve Facial Proportions

    Whether you feel your nose is too large, wide, asymmetrical, or unattractive, rhinoplasty can improve its appearance. This procedure enhances the contours of the nose to make it more proportionate with the other facial features, producing a harmonious and attractive aesthetic. Having a balanced facial appearance can boost your confidence and improve your overall quality of life.

  • Restore Functionality

    Rhinoplasty can allow for normal, easier breathing by correcting airway obstructions within the nose, such as a deviated septum or enlarged turbinates. This procedure can alleviate congestion and other breathing issues related to a compromised nasal passageway, providing you with improved daily comfort.

  • Correct Displeasing Results

    Some patients who underwent a previous nose surgery may be displeased with the outcome. While selecting a highly skilled and experienced surgeon is likely to deliver quality results, some aspects of the healing process are unpredictable. Dr. Chiu offers revision rhinoplasty to correct unsatisfactory results from a prior nose procedure.

Your Rhinoplasty Options

During your initial consultation, you will have an opportunity to discuss your goals and medical history with Dr. Chiu. Additionally, he will analyze the structure of your nose to devise a customized surgical plan that addresses your needs. Depending on your cosmetic or functional objectives, you may be a candidate for one of the following rhinoplasty techniques.

Closed Rhinoplasty

Recommended for most patients who do not need extensive revision or nasal tip work.

  • Involves placing all incisions within the nostrils
  • Alterations are made without lifting the tissues
  • Provides limited access to underlying nasal structures
  • Results in no visible scarring
  • Accelerated recovery
  • Recommended for most patients

Open Rhinoplasty

Ideal for patients who require extensive adjustments to the nasal tip or precise fine tuning.

  • Involves creating an incision on the underside of the nose between the nostrils (on the columella)
  • The tissues are lifted to give optimal access to the underlying nasal structures
  • Ideal for patients who require extensive adjustments to the nasal tip

Revision Rhinoplasty

  • Designed to correct results from a previous rhinoplasty procedure
  • Usually involves utilizing the open rhinoplasty technique
  • Often requires cartilage grafts from the ears, ribs, or septum to augment the nose

Non-surgical Rhinoplasty

  • Involves the injection of dermal fillers and BOTOX®
  • Allows for minor corrections to certain nasal features, including bumps and a hooked or crooked tip, but is not a good option for someone who wants to reduce their nose size
  • No downtime needed
  • Results are noticeable immediately
  • Requires repeat treatments to maintain results

Recovery for Rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills

  • Immediately After

    Surgical splints and dressings may be applied to support and protect the nose. Pain medication will be prescribed to ease any postoperative discomfort. Patients will also begin our recovery protocol, which includes supplements, vitamins, and anti-bruising medications.

  • 1 Week

    Surgical splint will be removed, and side effects will start to resolve. Most patients can return to work and light physical activity at this stage of recovery.

  • 2 Weeks

    Bruising and swelling will subside considerably. Dr. Chiu may recommend massages to aid in the healing process. Strenuous exercises and heavy lifting must be avoided.

  • 4 Weeks

    Results will be more apparent, and patients can resume their normal activities once cleared by Dr. Chiu. To ensure optimal results, patients must refrain from blowing their noses until Dr. Chiu permits it.

Patient Testimonials

At Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Inc., Dr. Chiu can recommend the procedures that will help you achieve the results you want, based on your individual needs.

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Why choose Dr. Chiu?

Choosing a surgeon with extensive proficiency in the field and multifaceted training is crucial to having a pleasant and rewarding surgical experience. As one of the leaders in the field of plastic surgery, Dr. Chiu approaches each rhinoplasty procedure with artistic precision and compassionate care, ensuring that patients achieve superior cosmetic results.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of anesthesia is used during rhinoplasty?

Dr. Chiu performs nose surgery with the patient under general anesthesia and supervised by a board-certified anesthesiologist to ensure the highest degree of patient safety. Non-surgical rhinoplasty is performed using topical anesthetics for patient comfort.

Does medical insurance cover the cost of a rhinoplasty procedure?

Generally, insurance plans do not cover cosmetic procedures because they are considered elective. However, some insurance companies will cover rhinoplasty if it is necessary to correct a structural problem that impairs a patient’s breathing. Dr. Chiu will advise you on what to ask your insurance company regarding this procedure after a thorough evaluation.

How long must I wait after my primary rhinoplasty to undergo a revision procedure?

Those who desire revision rhinoplasty should wait at least one year after their initial surgery. This will allow any residual swelling to subside and scar tissue to soften. Even a small amount of swelling can distort the final results of nose surgery, and it is difficult to perform revision rhinoplasty when the scar tissue is firmer.

What is the age requirement for rhinoplasty?

Most rhinoplasty patients are at least 16 or 17 years of age, at which point they should have completed all of their facial growth. Dr. Chiu will determine if you are a candidate for this procedure during your personal consultation.

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