Dr. Chiu offers a series of surgical procedures to correct aesthetic concerns in the facial area. Below, you will find a summary of each procedure, covering what each procedure does and what results they provide.
If you are interested in facial procedures, please contact our office to schedule a consultation.

Eyelid Surgery
Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) is used to treat puffy eyes, drooping eyelids, crow’s feet, and other cosmetic issues surrounding the eyes. It can provide clearer sightlines, restore a friendlier appearance, and make patients appear more alert and less tired. Most blepharoplasty patients recover within two to three weeks. Eyelid surgery results are usually long lasting and can be extended with proper eye care and skin maintenance. You may be a candidate for eyelid surgery if you have difficulty seeing due to fat deposits or sagging skin around your eyes.

Asian Eyelid Surgery
Asian eyelid surgery is designed to create an upper eyelid crease in Asian patients looking to make their eyes appear wider, brighter, and larger. This technique can enhance the aesthetic appearance of a patient and make it easier to apply makeup. The recovery period ranges from a few days to three weeks, depending on the type of incision chosen for the operation. The results of Asian eyelid surgery are usually permanent. You may be a candidate for Asian eyelid surgery if you desire a more open and expressive appearance.

A rhinoplasty (or “nose job”) is performed to change the nose’s proportion or shape and correct breathing difficulties. It works by reshaping the nose’s cartilage, bone, and skin to create a more balanced or ideal contour. Most rhinoplasty patients recover fully within four weeks, though some activities may remain restricted for longer based on their healing rate. The results of rhinoplasty are permanent, though revision procedures can be done to change the nose again for cosmetic or medical reasons.

Facelift surgery is used to tighten skin, adjust underlying muscle, and reposition fat on the face and upper neck. It can provide more defined contours, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and create a firmer jawline. Most patients fully recover within two to four weeks, though minor discomfort may last longer. The results of a facelift are long lasting, with some lasting as long as 10 to 20 years. You may be a facelift surgery candidate if you are unhappy with your face’s appearance, whether due to age or sun damage.

Brow Lift
Brow lift surgery is done to lift the eyebrows and reduce the signs of aging in the forehead. It can improve sightlines (if sagging brows are impeding the eyelid area) and is often done to improve a patient’s appearance, making them look more friendly, open, or awake. Most patients will recover within two to four weeks, depending on the technique used. Specific lifestyle changes will be necessary for several months following the surgery to achieve ideal results. The results of a brow lift are usually long lasting. You may be a brow lift candidate if sagging eyebrows impair your eyesight, if your forehead shows deep lines or creases, or if your eyebrows portray unintentional expressions.

Neck Lift
Neck lift surgery is used to tighten and lift the skin and muscle in the neck, reduce muscle banding, and reduce the appearance of aging. It can treat sagging skin, muscle banding, and wrinkles in the mid and upper neck. Most patients recover from neck lift surgery within four to six weeks, and the results typically last for several years. You may be a candidate for a neck lift if you have a double chin, “turkey neck,” or experience muscle banding or wrinkles in your neck.

Chin And Cheek Augmentation
These facial augmentation procedures can enhance the size, shape, and projection of the chin and cheeks to enhance balance or symmetry. It can be used to adjust a patient’s facial profile, define their cheekbones, and improve their facial structure. Recovery from these procedures usually takes between two weeks and two months, depending on the nature of the procedure performed. Most patients find that their results last many years; however, some implants may require replacement over time.

Ear Surgery
Otoplasty (ear pinning) is performed to adjust the size, shape, and protrusion of the ears. It can be used to bring the ears closer or further away from the skull, reduce or enhance the size of the ears, or even reconstruct damaged or missing outer ears. Most patients fully recover from ear surgery within three to six weeks. The results of ear surgery are effectively permanent in most cases, though the newly adjusted tissue will age naturally over time. You may want to consider ear surgery if your earlobes are stretched or wrinkled, your ears are oversized or project too far, or if you suffer from deformities or injuries to the ear area.

Facelift Revision
A facelift revision procedure is used to correct complications from an initial facelift or touch up the results of an older facelift that has begun to fade. The procedure can repair sagging skin and muscle like a traditional facelift, readjust facial contours, and correct undesired scarring in the treated area. Most patients recover from a facelift revision within four to six weeks, though minor tightness may remain for some months. As with a normal facelift, the results are generally long lasting, with its beneficial effects lasting many years.