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Chin and Cheek Augmentation

Chin and cheek augmentation are surgical procedures that use implants or fat grafting to permanently enhance the facial structure. Chin augmentation, known as mentoplasty or genioplasty, increases the projection of the chin, while cheek augmentation, known as malar augmentation, produces a fuller and more sculpted cheek appearance. These procedures can significantly improve your profile and facial definition to enhance your attractiveness with permanent, consistent results.

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What Can Chin or Cheek Augmentation Achieve?

  • Improved Facial Profile

    For many patients, when it comes to improving a weak profile, chin augmentation can significantly improve the balance and prominence of the chin in relation to the nose. Augmentation with an implant or fat grafting can create a more attractive profile so that your face looks naturally beautiful and harmonious from all sides.

  • Defined Cheeks

    Flat cheeks can be enhanced with cheek augmentation. Cheek augmentation can create more definition so that the face appears more balanced and attractive.

  • Enhanced Facial Structure

    Your cheeks and chin may lack definition or the sharp contours that are seen in the most attractive faces. Facial implants for the chin and cheeks can create a more distinct, sculpted facial structure to enhance your appearance. Fat grafting to the face can also be used to restore fullness and definition.

  • Permanent, Predictable Results

    While facial fillers can be used to augment the face, their results are temporary and may not be consistent each time you have an injection. Chin and cheek augmentation produce permanent and predictable results that can completely redefine your face shape. The results of fat grafting are less predictable than those of implants but provide completely natural enhancement using the patient’s own fat.

What Is the Chin and Cheek Augmentation Process?

During your consultation, Dr. Chiu will analyze your goals, facial structure, and facial proportions. He will then recommend the appropriate procedure and determine which techniques to use. If implants are chosen, either a solid or semi-solid implant will be selected based on your facial structure and proportions.

Fat grafting is one of the most popular ways to define facial features and add volume after it has been lost due to age. This procedure uses the patient’s own fat to provide permanent enhancement of the cheeks and chin without risk of rejection or allergic reactions.

Chin Augmentation


  • General anesthesia is applied.
  • Typical procedure length is 30 minutes to one hour depending on the techniques being utilized.
  • In most cases, Dr. Chiu makes an incision inside the mouth or underneath the chin and inserts an implant in the appropriate location.
  • In rare cases, Dr. Chiu makes an incision inside the mouth and moves the chin bone instead of inserting an implant.
  • Sutures are used to close the incision and promote healing.

Fat Grafting

  • Fat is harvested from a donor site (typically the buttocks or abdomen) using liposuction.
  • The fat is then purified and strategically injected into the target areas in the chin to add definition.

Cheek Augmentation


  • General anesthesia is administered.
  • If cheek augmentation is performed on its own, Dr. Chiu makes incisions in the upper lip or lower eyelids.
  • If combined with another facial procedure, Dr. Chiu uses the same incisions used for the other procedure.
  • Dr. Chiu inserts the implants through the incisions to augment the cheeks.
  • Sutures are used to close the incisions and promote healing.

Fat Grafting

  • Fat is harvested from the buttocks or abdomen using liposuction.
  • The fat is purified and injected into the cheeks to restore volume that has been lost with age.

Chin and Cheek Augmentation Recovery

  • Immediately After

    Depending on your medical condition after surgery, Dr. Chiu will either recommend an overnight stay or send you home to recover. Some discomfort, light bruising, and mild swelling are common and can be alleviated with cold packs and pain medications. Your face may feel tight and restricted. It is important to follow all dietary and activity restrictions as well as specialized dental hygiene instructions during your recovery. If fat grafting is performed there will also be discomfort in the donor areas.

  • 1 Week to 10 Days

    Any stitches in your mouth will dissolve naturally. You may still have limited movement when smiling and talking, but most swelling and bruising should be resolved. You may be ready to return to work at this point. Any sutures from your liposuction will be removed.

  • 2 Weeks

    Most patients are ready to resume normal work activities.

  • 1 to 2 Months

    Any numbness should be resolved, and the facial tissues should be adjusting well to the implant(s) or transferred fat, allowing more freedom of movement. The results will become more noticeable, and your facial structure will be more defined and balanced.

Patient Testimonials

At Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Inc., Dr. Chiu can recommend the procedures that will help you achieve the results you want, based on your individual needs.

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Why choose Dr. Chiu?

Dr. Chiu is an exceptional surgeon with an extensive amount of experience in a range of chin and cheek procedures. With his thorough understanding of plastic surgery aesthetics and facial anatomy, he uses a unique approach to each surgery depending on the needs of the patient. Regarded in the industry among colleagues, patients, peers, and international media as one of the best plastic surgeons in the world, Dr. Chiu can provide you with the results you are seeking.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is a good candidate for chin or cheek augmentation?

Good candidates for facial implants are in healthy physical and psychological condition. They must have realistic expectations and have no allergies to the implant materials. Candidates for facial fat grafting must have adequate fat stores in the donor sites. Interested candidates should discuss their goals with Dr. Chiu in detail to determine whether chin augmentation, cheek augmentation, or another procedure would best accomplish their desires.

Are there any risks associated with chin and cheek augmentation?

Every cosmetic procedure carries some risks. If facial implants ever shift out of place, a second operation may be necessary. If an infection occurs, implant removal may be required (and reinsertion of the implants can potentially be performed later). Allergic reactions and other uncommon risks may be associated with certain types of implants. Facial fat grafting does not include the risk of allergic reaction. However, some of the transferred fat cells will not survive and multiple procedures may be necessary. Dr. Chiu will review these risks with you during your consultation.

Can I combine chin and cheek augmentation with other procedures?

If desired, chin and cheek augmentation can be performed in conjunction with other procedures. Many candidates for chin augmentation also undergo rhinoplasty for further enhancement of their profile. Likewise, cheek augmentation can be paired with an eyelid lift or Asian eyelid surgery, forehead/brow lift, neck lift, or facelift to enhance the appearance of the face.

Will I have scars after getting these facial implants?

In most cases, scarring should be concealed inside the mouth, eyelids, or behind the hairline. If an incision is made beneath the chin, the scar is minor, inconspicuously located, and likely to fade with time. Incisions are made for the liposuction portion of your procedure if fat grafting is performed. Scars may develop but they will be small and will fade with time.

How long will it take to see the results of chin and cheek augmentation?

It may take several weeks or months to see the final results of chin and cheek augmentation. Results usually improve gradually as you heal, revealing better facial contours.

What kind of results can I expect?

Dr. Chiu specializes in producing surgical results that look natural. Most people will not be able to tell that you’ve had surgery but will notice that you look better. Your results will show a more defined facial profile and an enhanced facial structure.

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