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Gynecomastia Surgery is Not Just a Cosmetic Issue

April 11th, 2019 | Posted in: Gynecomastia Treatments |

Man Holding His Chest

For many men, having a chiseled chest is considered masculine and attractive. However, approximately 60 percent of men are affected by gynecomastia, a condition which results in the development of excessive breast tissue in men. Several things can cause gynecomastia, including obesity, genetic factors, certain illnesses, or hormonal imbalance. Gynecomastia surgery is designed for men who struggle with the emotional and physical distresses that result from having enlarged breasts. Since there is sometimes an underlying cause for gynecomastia, it is essential to talk to your doctor before undergoing a gynecomastia treatment.

Cosmetic or Necessary?

While many people see gynecomastia treatments as purely cosmetic, this is not the case. Gynecomastia causes medical problems and discomfort like tenderness and pain in the chest area. Patients sometimes experience significant emotional disturbance or embarrassment as a result of their condition. In extreme cases, patients may avoid social contact due to the appearance of their chest. Gynecomastia surgery can provide the following benefits for male patients:

  • A sculpted chest contour
  • A more masculine aesthetic
  • Enhanced self-confidence
  • Reduction in skin irritation and overall discomfort

A Solution for Gynecomastia

Man with Fit Torso on Beach

If you are unhappy with how your chest looks, and at-home methods, such as dieting and exercising, have not helped you achieve the aesthetic you desire, gynecomastia surgery may be the solution. Cosmetic surgery is one of the most successful ways plastic surgeons have found to treat gynecomastia.

Gynecomastia Surgery Options

In many cases, the most effective approach for male breast reduction involves removing the excess breast tissue and treating the underlying cause of the problem. In a gynecomastia procedure, a patient can have any excess glandular tissue removed through a small incision, which often leaves only a tiny scar. If a patient has a sizable amount of breast tissue, the surgeon may also perform liposuction (a suction-assisted lipectomy) during the surgery. Dr. Gabriel Chiu has performed many gynecomastia procedures throughout his career and applies his innate eye for anatomical beauty to each surgery he performs. Below are a few of the most commonly performed gynecomastia surgery techniques:

    • Traditional gynecomastia surgery: This procedure involves making an incision within the areola border, through which the excess glandular and fatty tissue are removed. The size of the areolas can be altered, and excess skin can be removed during this surgery.
  • Liposuction: This approach is best for patients with pseudogynecomastia when it’s all adipose tissue in the chest area. Liposuction can remove stubborn fat deposits through tiny incisions using a thin cannula and suction technology.

After Gynecomastia Surgery

During the first three to five days of recovery, swelling and fluid accumulation is reduced by the use of a special compression vest and drains placed under the arms. Most patients feel well enough to go back to work after one week, but strenuous physical activities should be avoided for several weeks or until cleared by Dr. Chiu. Patients can enjoy their newly formed chest contours three months after surgery, and results continue to improve for approximately one year. Leading a healthy, active lifestyle can help preserve the outcome of gynecomastia surgery for many years.

If you would like more information about gynecomastia surgery or to schedule your consultation with Dr. Gabriel Chiu, please call (310) 888-8087.

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