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Gynecomastia Surgery in Beverly Hills

Gynecomastia is a condition characterized by enlarged male breasts. This may be a result of heredity, disease, hormonal changes, or the use of certain drugs. Enlarged male breasts can cause embarrassment and have negative effects on a man’s self-esteem and social life. To eliminate this excess tissue and restore a more masculine chest appearance, Dr. Chiu performs gynecomastia surgery.

What Can Gynecomastia Surgery Do?

  • Enhance the Chest Contours

    This procedure removes excess breast tissue to achieve a more defined chest, revealing more masculine and distinguished contours.

  • Improve Symmetry

    Gynecomastia can affect both breasts (bilateral), or it may affect just one breast (unilateral). For those with unilateral gynecomastia, this procedure can create pectorals that are as similar as possible.

  • Restore Confidence

    Rather than shying away and avoiding beach trips and intimacy, patients generally experience a boost in confidence that improves their overall quality of life after undergoing gynecomastia surgery.

What Does Gynecomastia Surgery Entail in Beverly Hills?

Gynecomastia may be characterized by excess fat tissue, excess glandular tissue, or both. Dr. Chiu will evaluate your condition and discuss the best options to achieve your goals. In some cases, liposuction and tissue extraction may be used together.


Liposuction removes excess fat cells. This is done by inserting a thin hollow tube into small incisions and suctioning out the fat. This technique is ideal for patients with good skin elasticity and results in inconspicuous scarring.

Tissue Extraction

Tissue excision removes excess glandular tissue through an incision made along the border of the areola. Excess skin can also be removed to form a flatter and a more appealing contour. This technique results in scars that blend in with the natural border of the areola.

Before & After

Before and after male breast augmentation (gynecomastia treatment) example #1
Before and after male breast augmentation (gynecomastia treatment) -2
  • Before and after male breast augmentation (gynecomastia treatment) example #1
  • Before and after male breast augmentation (gynecomastia treatment) -2
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What Does Recovery From Gynecomastia Surgery Look Like?

As with all surgical procedures, there is a recovery process after gynecomastia surgery to ensure you heal properly and fully enjoy your new and improved chest contour.

  • Immediately After

    The chest will be bandaged and wrapped with a compression vest. Drains will be placed under the arms to remove excess fluids and minimize swelling for the first 3 to 5 days. Pain medication may be prescribed to ease swelling and discomfort. Our Recovery Protocol includes supplements, vitamins, and anti-bruising medications.

  • 1 Week

    Patients are usually able to return to work after 4 to 7 days. However, patients should avoid physical activity and exercise at this time. Swelling around the chest will begin to resolve.

  • 2 Weeks

    Many patients can begin light activities and see significant improvement in the shape of their chest. Patients may be able to return to their normal activities if cleared by Dr. Chiu.

  • 1 to 3 Months

    Contouring and definition will improve, with any skin laxity beginning to retract. Tissue retraction, definition, and contouring will continue to improve for about a year.

Why Choose Dr. Chiu?

Dr. Chiu is a highly experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon with over twenty years of experience performing plastic surgery. He possesses a keen eye for aesthetics and has the surgical knowledge to achieve excellent results. Gynecomastia surgery with Dr. Chiu provides patients with satisfactory results and frequently gives patients a renewed sense of confidence. Dr. Chiu and his team can restore your appearance and help you feel confident again. Patient safety, satisfaction, and comfort are the top priority of Dr. Chiu and his professional staff.

Gynecomastia Surgery Frequently Asked Questions

Is there an age requirement to be a candidate for gynecomastia surgery?

This procedure is most commonly performed for young adult males between 18 and 30 years of age. Patients should be physically mature before undergoing the procedure. Dr. Chiu can evaluate whether a younger patient is a candidate during an individualized consultation.

What type of anesthesia is used during gynecomastia surgery?

Dr. Chiu performs gynecomastia surgery with the patient under general anesthesia. The patient is supervised by a board-certified anesthesiologist throughout the operation to ensure patient safety.

Are the results of gynecomastia surgery permanent?

The fat cells removed with liposuction and the tissues removed with excision are permanently eliminated from the body, and results will be long-lasting. To maintain optimum results, patients should follow a healthy diet and exercise regimen. Dr. Chiu and his friendly staff are available to advise a healthy regimen to ensure your long-term success.

What is the cost of gynecomastia surgery in Beverly Hills?

The cost of gynecomastia surgery can vary depending on the cost of the facility, the skill of the surgeon, and the fees charged by the anesthesiologist. The surgical fees can also vary depending on the type of procedure and its complexity. During your consultation, Dr. Chiu will give you a personalized quote once you have discussed your goals.

What procedures are commonly performed with gynecomastia surgery?

Gynecomastia surgery is commonly performed in concert with liposuction, arm lift surgery, neck lift surgery, or tummy tuck surgery. These procedures may be done together to reduce recovery times and surgical fees compared to getting these procedures done separately.

How long does gynecomastia surgery take?

Gynecomastia surgery typically takes one to two hours to complete, though this may be extended if you have chosen combination procedures or your surgery is more complicated than is typical.

What are the risks of gynecomastia surgery?

Dr. Chiu does his best to mitigate risks, but no surgical procedure is ever 100 percent safe. As with any surgical procedure, gynecomastia surgery carries risks such as:

  • Unsightly scarring
  • Infection
  • Poor reaction to anesthesia
  • Nerve damage
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