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The Difference Between Liposuction & Abdominal Etching

July 24th, 2017 | Posted in: Liposuction | Tags:

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Fat removal, especially stubborn fat removal can be difficult, and so can following an intense exercise routine to achieve a perfect six-pack. Fortunately, with plastic surgery, you can have the body that you desire. Learn more about the difference between liposuction and abdominal etching to help you decide which procedure might work best for you.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes localized fat with a thin, straw-like tube called a cannula. Fat removal is performed as the cannula is inserted into the fat layer beneath the skin. Unwanted fatty deposits that are difficult to get rid of with just diet and exercise are eliminated, which results in more attractive body contours.

Are You A Candidate For Liposuction?

If you are unhappy with your appearance and have fat in the following problem areas, you may be a candidate for liposuction. These difficult areas include:

  • Waist
  • Thighs
  • Hips
  • Buttocks
  • Arms
  • Chin
  • Neck
  • Back
  • Chest

If you have struggled with fat removal for several months or even years, liposuction may be the answer to your problems. Liposuction should not be used as a form of weight loss and does not result in a dramatic reduction in weight. However, liposuction can result in a small amount of weight reduction and may encourage patients to continue with a healthy lifestyle to maintain their results.

How Is Liposuction Performed?

Liposuction can be performed with a variety of techniques. The best technique for you will be determined by your surgeon during your consultation.


A machine vibrates the liposuction cannula to dislodge the fat cells. This allows for easier and more precise removal of larger amounts of fat. This technique is faster than traditional liposuction and results in less bruising.


The cannula emits ultrasound waves to dislodge the fat cells which allows for easier removal of fat cells.


Cool or chilled laser pulses are administered to liquefy the fat cells. This allows for easier removal of fat.

What is Abdominal Etching?

Abdominal etching, also known as six-pack liposculpture, is a plastic surgery procedure that will make your abs look chiseled. This procedure is meant for individuals who already have a healthy diet, regular exercise routine, and a muscular stomach. Abdominal etching can help you etch out a washboard stomach without the rigorous workouts. If a patient just wants a flatter midsection, traditional liposuction might be the better option.

Are You A Candidate For Abdominal Etching?

The ideal candidate for abdominal etching is an athletic individual with already pronounced abdominal muscles. Even with a consistently healthy diet and exercise regimen, it can be difficult to achieve a defined appearance. An individual with large, strong abdominal muscles can still have difficulties achieving this well-defined look. If you know the frustrations of working hard but still having pockets of fat covering your underlying abs, you may be a candidate for abdominal etching. However, the procedure is not limited to such individuals, as some of our patients request this procedure following a tummy tuck or abdominal liposuction in order to really make their abs stand out.

How Is Abdominal Etching Performed?

Abdominal etching is like other forms of liposculpture. With standard liposuction equipment, targeted pockets of fat are removed in order to modify the contour of the patient’s abs. The fat that is covering the abs is permanently removed with small incisions that are sometimes made in the belly button. These small incisions are what earns this procedure the “etching” part of its name. The procedure typically takes about an hour to complete and is normally performed as an outpatient procedure.

The Bottom Line

If you are seeking a more contoured body or toned and defined abdominal muscles, you may be a candidate for liposuction or abdominal etching. The main difference between the two procedures is that liposuction removes stubborn fat from many different problem areas while abdominal etching removes localized fat from the abdomen of an individual who already has abdominal muscles. Your surgeon will determine what procedure is best for your wants and needs during your consultation.

Choosing the Right Surgeon

When undergoing surgery, you should always choose a surgeon whom you can trust and with whom you can have candid, comprehensive, and open communications. Dr. Chiu provides a relaxed environment for patients and ensures that your consultation is a comfortable, enjoyable experience in which you feel confident expressing concerns and asking any and all questions regarding your procedure(s). Dr. Chiu takes the time to thoroughly understand your goals and objectives so he can help you achieve the aesthetic results you desire. If you are considering liposuction or abdominal etching, please contact us here today to schedule a consultation.

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